Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Upscale Garage Door is #1 Cost vs. Value Investment

Upscale Garage Door is #1 Cost vs. Value Investment
You're a homeowner is Southern California looking to improve the looks and overall value of your home with the most cost-effective investment out there.  But what project should you choose?

Kitchen remodel? Room addition? New roof?

Well, according to Remodeling Magazine's 2011-2012 Cost vs. Value Report, your best bet is an Upscale Garage Door Replacement!  Their industry research states that an average upscale garage door will increase your home's resale value by 92.3% of the total cost of the project!

This Cost vs. Value estimate soars above the rest.  For example, a major kitchen remodel in Southern California raises your resale value 66.6% of the cost of the project...replacing the roof brings back 63.3%....and adding a whole new master suite only returns 57.1% of the project cost on average.

Plus, replacing your old garage door with a new upscale garage door is typically much less expensive and faster than most other projects.

In fact, try and think of another project you can do to increase the value of your home that requires a similar initial investment, makes a bigger visual impact, practically pays for itself and only take a few hours to install.....Stumped?  Me too!

Call On Trac Garage Door Company Today...And Capitalize on Curb Appeal!



  1. We service the Riverside, CA regions garage doors seven days a week. Today, our garage door specialist will come to your garage and get your garage door running like it is brand new.

    Robert M. Monahan
    210 Court Street
    Chesterfield, MO 63005

  2. Thanks for sharing this. Investing in an upscale garage door seems like the perfect choice for homeowners in Southern California seeking to enhance both aesthetics and value.
